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FP SUITE - Cartoon
A complete solution for all functional areas of companies that make doors/windows
FP SUITE is a package of software programs (FP Pro, FP Dealer, FP Gest, FP Facade, FP Opti2D, FP Cam) developed exclusively to meet the needs of door and window makers. A complete and integrated solution for all the company’s operational areas: sales, design, purchasing, production and administration. Specific support that covers all phases of the company’s work flow through to the filling of the job order. FP SUITE enables you to plan and control management and production activities, automating the incoming and outgoing flows and accurately and instantaneously keeping track of the state of progress of each job. Orders are acquired directly from the Internet and are then processed by the system, which creates job lists for the workshop, plans the departments’ activities and schedules storage and delivery. Everything is done automatically under the constant supervision of the DL Neural system. FP Pro - the cutting edge product of FP Suite – is a program for the design and calculation of doors and windows with CE marking management. The applications in the FP SUITE are modular, which means that they can be implemented separately, as required, only to cover the company’s actual needs and to leave open the possibility of integrating further modules in the system if new needs arise.